Natural Language Processing Group
Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University).
Mentors specialized in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Research Scholars specialized in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Currently participating shared tasks
Affect in Tweets - Ms. Shalini and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Multilingual Emoji Prediction - Mr. Ajay SG and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Irony Detection in English Tweets - Ms. Reshma U and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Parsing Time Normalizations - Mr. Sankaralingam C and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Semantic Relation Extraction and Classification in Scientific Papers - Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Semantic Extraction from CybersecUrity REports using Natural Language Processing (SecureNLP) - Mr. Vinayakumar R, Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB and Harikrishnan
Capturing Discriminative Attributes - Mr. Vivek Vinayan
Shared tasks participated in 2017
Gender Identification in Russian texts (RusProfiling) - Mr. Vivek Vinayan, Ms. Reshma U and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Information Retrieval from Legal Documents (IRLeD) - Ms. Reshma U and Barathi Ganesh HB
WASSA-2017 Emotion Intensity Task - Mr. Vinayakumar R
PAN CLEF - Author Profiling 2017 - Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
DEFT 2017 Text Search @ TALN / RECITAL 2017 Opinion analysis and figurative language in tweets in French - Mr. Vinayakumar R
Sentiment Analysis for Indian Languages (Code Mixed) - Ms. Shalini, Mr. Shivkaran, Ms. Reshma U and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Stance and Gender Detection in Tweets on Catalan Independence@Ibereval 2017 - Mr. Vinayakumar R
2nd Social Media Mining for Health Applications Shared Task at AMIA 2017 - Vinayakumar R and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
VarDial 2017 - Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects - Mr. Vinayakumar R
The 8th International Cybersecurity Data Mining Competition 2017 - Mr. VinayaKumar R and Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB
Shared tasks conducted by CEN-NLP Group
Shared Task on Detecting Paraphrases in Indian Languages (DPIL)
Shared Task & Workshop on Machine Translation System Indian Languages (MTIL)