DeepChem 2017: Deep Learning & NLP for Computational Chemistry, Biology & Nano-materials
December 22-24, 2017 Centre for Excellence in Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN), Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University).
About DeepChem 2017
The AIBio (Artificial Intelligence for Biology) group in the Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN) department at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is organizing a three-day workshop on 22-24th December, 2017. The workshop will cover Deep learning and Natural language processing (NLP) towards the applications in the field of Computational Chemistry, Biology & Nano-materials. The main aim of this workshop is to share the ideas of on-going research and exploratory topics, leading to possible collaborations between CEN faculty, Ph.D research scholars and students.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in deep learning, Computational chemistry,Biology & Nano-materials, from academia and industry. The primary target audience of the workshop is Mtech students, research scholars and faculty. We hope to have an interactive session, with a free exchange of ideas, views and comments. Please fill all the required details during registration. For more queries, please contact barathiganesh.hb[at], vinayakumarr77[at]
Venue: CEN class room
Registration is closed
Recent Talks given by CEN faculties
Check out the earlier workshops conducted by CEN
Why we conduct workshop frequently? Advancement in technologies make many conventional engineering syllabus obselete
MinION A device for real-time biological analyses. Nanopore devices executes DNA/RNA sequencing directly and in real time. Availability of low cost DNA sequencers like Oxford Nanopore sequencers and machine learning are going to revolutionize biology and healthcare. There will be heavy demand for people knowledgeable in computational biology.
Venue: CEN Class Room
09:00 - 06:00 December 22,23,24, 2017
Schedule | Speaker | Title of the Talk |
Dec-22,9.00AM - 1.00 PM | Dr. Soman KP, Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon | Introduction to Machine learning and Deep learning |
2.00 PM - 3.30 PM | Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon | Practicals session on “Machine learning and Deep learning in Computational chemistry” |
3.45 PM - 5.00 PM | Dr. M. Anand Kumar, Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB | Basics of Word-vector in NLP and its application in Bioinformatics |
3.45 PM - 5.00 PM | Dr. M. Anand Kumar, Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB | Practical session on “NLP in representation of biological sequence for applications of deep learning in proteomics and genomics” |
Dec-23,9.00 AM - 1.00 PM | Dr. Prashanth Athri, Dr. Sarith P Sathian, Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon, Sowmya V | Introduction to Computational Chemistry and Bioinformatics, Introduction to Computational material science, Bio-medical image processing using Convolutional neural networks |
2.00 PM-5.00 PM | Mr. Vinayakumar R, Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB | Practical Session on “Deep learning for data-driven automatic chemical design” |
Dec-24,9.00 AM - 5.00 PM | Mr. Vijay Krishna Menon, Mr. Vinayakumar R, Mr. Barathi Ganesh HB | Advanced Deep Learning and applications, Quantum chemical descriptors and machine learning applications |
Frameworks: TensorFlow, Theano, Keras, Scikit-learn, Lasagne, nolearn, Programming languages: Python and Java, Packages: Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, t-SNE, Gensim, deepchem, DragoNN, deepvariant |
Books published from CEN on Signal processing and Machine learning
1. Dr. K.P. Soman, Prabaharan Poornachandran, Sachin Kumar S and Neethu Mohan, "Convex Optimization based Signal Processing for IOT." [Upcoming Book]
2. Dr. K.P. Soman and Dr. Ramachandran K.I, "Insight into Wavelets From Theory to Practice.", Prentice-Hall India 2004.
3. Dr. K.P. Soman, Shyam Diwakar, Ajay V., "Insight into Data Mining From Theory to Practice.", Prentice-Hall India, 2006.
4. Dr. K.P. Soman, Ajay. V, Loganathan R., "Machine Learning with SVM and other Kernel Methods.",Prentice-Hall India, 2009.
5. Dr. K.P.Soman, and Ramanthan, "Digital signal and Image Processing-The Sparse Way." Elsevier Publications, 2012.
6. Dr. Deepa G., Dr. Krishnan Namboodiri, "Bioinformatics: Sequential and Structural Analysis.", Narosa Publications.
7. Dr. K.I Ramachandran., Dr. Deepa, Dr. Krishnan Namboori, "Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modelling." -Springer international.
8. "Fractals for Everyone." [Online version]( Manu Unni, Praveen Krishnan, Dr. K. P. Soman.